UB Google Developer Student Club Hosts International Women's Day Event

The Google Developer Student Club of the University of Botswana this Saturday hosted an "Impact the Future" event for International Women's Day.  The event was hosted in partnership with Women Techmakers Gaborone and included interactive demos and discussions centred on the theme of "Emerging Technologies and Bridging the Gap: Beyond Code."

Graced by women technology professionals in Botswana including Maitumelo Radipodi, Evita Tlhobogang, Trudy Dube, and Ngadzi Dumuwa, the event sought to empower the next generation of women in technology by showcasing diverse career paths and fostering a space for learning and connection.

Some of the activities at the event included networking, learning about applications of technology in real life, gaining insights into emerging technologies like data science as well as social initiatives like digital inclusion and bridging the digital divide.

"This event goes beyond code, exploring how technology can be used to address social challenges and create a more equitable future," said Mamello Seisa, GDSC-UB Marketing and Communications Lead.

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