Twitter Accuses Meta of Theft Over "Threads" Platform, Threatens Legal Action

Twitter is threatening to sue Meta over "systematic, wilful and unlawful misappropriation" of Twitter's trade secrets and IP, as well as scraping of Twitter's data, in a cease-and-desist letter sent yesterday to Zuckerberg by Elon's lawyer Alex Spiro.

Yesterday, Meta launched "Threads", a social media platform meant to compete with Twitter. In all fairness, the platform has striking similarities to Twitter and lo' and behold, Twitter is not happy about that. Even Zuckerberg appreciates the similarities between Threads, which reportedly raked up over 30 million users on its first day of launch, and Twitter. He posted the meme below after the platform launched.

"Based on recent reports regarding your recently launched "Threads" app, Twitter has serious concerns that Meta has engaged in systematic, willful and unlawful misappropriation of Twitter's trade secrets and intellectual property," the cease-and-desist letter reads.

You can read the letter in its entirety below:

Twitter accuses Meta of hiring laid-off former Twitter employees, who it says held onto trade secrets and communications after departing from the company, to build Threads. It also accuses the company of scraping the platform for data, a situation which caused Twitter to impose tweet viewing limits over the weekend.

In response, Musk tweeted "Competition is fine, cheating is not".

Meanwhile, as its users marvelled at the new platform that is Threads, Elon was on the offensive, sharing and interacting with memes which were clowning the new platform. You can view some of the tweets below:

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